12 November 2010

fairy tales, legends, myths, fiction etc. provide us with telescopes, monocles, magnifying glasses and microscopes to look at the world..


i watched ‘watchmen' last year just because it happened to be on the shelf next to my dvd player.. i'd got it from a friend of mine and, eventually, it was a very pleasant surprise.. despite not being a huge sci-fi fan myself, i really enjoyed it..


i enjoyed it for a few reasons.. ‘watchmen', based on a comic series, is very well made.. moreover, it's set during the cold war, to which era i have some strange irrational liking (i was born then so perhaps a wandering spirit that had lost his/her life in the struggle between the eastern and western worlds needed a shell for its next incarnation and that's why - who knows:)).. on top of that, those great songs..:)


‘watchmen' is a film quite difficult to understand due to the condensation of contents, not long but idiomatic dialogues, and the historic context which none of us was part of.. therefore, i'm going to start working on a vocabulary sheet, which imho will help you a lot to understand the movie to a greater extent..


as i said, ‘watchmen' is again a difficult film to follow the plot, so the next choice (the first meeting in december) is quite contrary in this aspect.. to lose the thread while watching ‘???' is almost impossible.. it stars the sheriff from ‘misery' and is one of those cinematic experiences which impact on me i can compare to the impact made by ‘into the wild'.. i think both films have a lot in common..


the last meeting this year is going to deal with 'farben lehre'.. before i tell you more about the movie, check out http://www.bryk.pl/teksty/studia/pozosta%C5%82e/filozofia/15183-kilka_kr%C3%B3tkich_uwag_na_temat_goethego_nauki_o_barwach.html




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24 January 2025, 3:00 pm

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