Genre: documentary
Director: Wim Wenders and Juliano Ribeiro Salgado
Writer: Wim Wenders, Juliano Ribeiro Salgado, and David Rosier
Duration: 110 minutes
Wikipedia: wiki about the movie
#2, by rubyred, on 07 February 2021, 3:19 pm
After everything Salgado had experienced in Ethiopia, Rwanda or during Yugoslavian war, the fact that he turned his interest towards nature makes me wonder if it is a sign of his indomitable spirit or simply a faint and a little naive faith in humanity. After all, "we humans are terrible animals"
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Powerful and moving with multiple intertwined threads and themes. The documentary uses Salgado's majestic photographs interspersing them with visits to previously unrecorded locations, including old color footage, using his voice and conversations. Salgado is a very special person with a remarkable gift. To watch this documentary is an educationally experience. It’s very interesting to see the photographer's life work unfold and the horrors he's seen from traveling to Rwanda, Ethiopia, or his beloved home of Brazil. It has a bitter taste because it focuses on the real problems of the world.